Top 20 Countries with the Best Healthcare and Hospitals

The top 20 countries with the best healthcare and hospitals in the world are Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, China, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Hong Kong, Finland, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Malta, and France.

Ranking the best healthcare systems is a complex process, as various factors need to be taken into account. However, certain factors that can provide insights into the quality of healthcare in a country include accessibility, affordability, efficiency, outcomes, and patient satisfaction. These top 20 countries lead others based on these metrics, thus making them the countries with the best healthcare and hospitals.

What are the Countries with the Best Healthcare and Hospitals in the World?

Several health organizations and statistics, including the World Health Organization (WHO) have ranked some countries as having the best healthcare and hospitals.

20 countries with the best healthcare and hospitals in the world:

  1. Singapore

Singapore is known for its efficient and well-funded healthcare system. It invests heavily in healthcare infrastructure and has a strong emphasis on preventive care. Singapore’s healthcare system combines public and private sectors, ensuring accessibility and quality of care.

  1. Japan

Japan’s healthcare system is characterized by universal coverage, comprehensive services, and advanced technology. The country has a high doctor-to-patient ratio and emphasizes preventive care. Japan is known for its low infant mortality rate and high life expectancy.

  1. South Korea

South Korea has made significant advancements in healthcare and has one of the world’s highest doctor-to-patient ratios. The country invests in cutting-edge medical technology and is known for its efficient healthcare delivery system. South Korea also has a strong focus on research and development in the healthcare sector.

  1. Taiwan

Taiwan’s healthcare system is often lauded for its efficiency and accessibility. It offers universal coverage and has a low healthcare expenditure compared to other developed countries. Taiwan is known for its efficient use of technology, including electronic health records, which streamline healthcare delivery.

  1. Israel

Israel has a highly advanced healthcare system with a strong emphasis on research and innovation. It is home to numerous world-class medical centers and has made significant contributions to medical research and technology. Israel also provides universal healthcare coverage to its citizens.

  1. China

China has made remarkable progress in healthcare, particularly in improving access to healthcare services in rural areas. The country has invested heavily in healthcare infrastructure, medical education, and research. China has a large number of medical professionals and has made advancements in areas such as telemedicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

  1. Norway

Norway’s healthcare system is based on the principles of universal access, equity, and high-quality care. The country has a comprehensive public healthcare system financed through taxation. Norway consistently ranks high in healthcare indicators such as life expectancy and healthcare access.

  1. Iceland

Iceland has a small population, which contributes to its efficient healthcare system. It provides universal healthcare coverage and focuses on primary care services. Iceland also has a strong public health infrastructure and prioritizes health promotion and disease prevention.

  1. Sweden

Sweden’s healthcare system is predominantly publicly funded and provides universal coverage. It emphasizes preventive care, health promotion, and patient participation. Sweden has a strong primary healthcare network and is known for its high healthcare standards.

  1. Switzerland


Switzerland has a highly decentralized healthcare system with a mix of public and private insurance options. It offers universal coverage and has a high density of healthcare professionals. Switzerland is known for its high-quality medical services and advanced technology.

  1. Netherlands

The Netherlands has a well-regarded healthcare system that combines public and private elements. It focuses on primary care and prevention and offers universal coverage. The country emphasizes patient-centered care and has a high level of health information technology integration.

  1. Luxembourg

Luxembourg has a well-funded and accessible healthcare system. It offers universal coverage and high-quality medical services. Luxembourg places a strong emphasis on primary care and has a comprehensive network of healthcare facilities.

  1. Germany

Germany has a well-developed healthcare system with a combination of public and private insurance options. It offers comprehensive coverage and has a strong focus on research and development. Germany is known for its high-quality specialized medical care.

  1. Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a well-regarded healthcare system with a mix of public and private healthcare providers. It offers universal coverage and has a high doctor-to-patient ratio. Hong Kong is known for its advanced medical technology and expertise in medical research.

  1. Finland

Finland’s healthcare system is based on universal coverage and comprehensive services. It emphasizes preventive care, primary healthcare, and patient-centered services. Finland has a strong focus on health promotion and disease prevention.

  1. Denmark

Denmark’s healthcare system is characterized by universal access, high-quality care, and patient empowerment. It has a strong primary care system and emphasizes preventive care. Denmark consistently ranks high in healthcare indicators.

  1. Italy

Italy has a universal healthcare system that provides comprehensive coverage to its citizens. It has a strong network of healthcare facilities, including renowned hospitals and research centers. Italy is known for its expertise in various medical specialties.

  1. Belgium

Belgium has a well-regarded healthcare system with universal coverage. It emphasizes primary care and preventive services. Belgium has a high density of healthcare professionals and is known for its advanced medical research.

  1. Malta

Despite its small size, Malta has a well-functioning healthcare system with universal coverage. It provides comprehensive healthcare services and has a high level of patient satisfaction. Malta has invested in healthcare infrastructure and technology.

  1. France

France has a highly regarded healthcare system that combines public and private elements. It offers universal coverage and has a high density of healthcare professionals. France is known for its high-quality medical education and research.

How Does WHO Ranks Countries with the Best Healthcare in the World?

The World Health Organization (WHO) assesses and compares healthcare systems through various reports and indices. One such report is the World Health Report, which provides insights into the performance and progress of healthcare systems globally.

Step-by-step overview of how the WHO assesses healthcare systems:

  1. Data Collection

The WHO collects data related to healthcare systems, including information on health financing, health workforce, access to healthcare services, health outcomes, and more. This data is gathered from national health authorities, international databases, and other relevant sources.

  1. Health System Building Blocks

The WHO evaluates healthcare systems based on six key building blocks, which are considered fundamental for a well-functioning system. These building blocks include:

  1. Health Service Delivery: Assessing the availability, accessibility, and quality of healthcare services.
  2. Health Workforce: Evaluating the density and distribution of healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and other staff.
  3. Health Information Systems: Examining the capacity of health information systems to collect, analyze, and utilize data for decision-making and monitoring.
  4. Access to Essential Medicines: Assessing the availability, affordability, and rational use of essential medicines.
  5. Financing: Evaluating the methods of healthcare financing, including public and private expenditure, insurance coverage, and financial protection for individuals.
  6. Leadership and Governance: Assessing the effectiveness of governance structures, policies, regulations, and management in the healthcare system.

3. Indicators and Metrics

The WHO uses a set of indicators and metrics to measure the performance of healthcare systems. These indicators include healthcare coverage, health workforce density, immunization rates, hospital bed capacity, life expectancy, maternal and child health indicators, among others.

  1. Analysis and Comparison

The collected data and indicators are analyzed to assess the strengths, weaknesses, and overall performance of healthcare systems in different countries. The WHO may compare countries based on specific indicators or create composite indices that provide an overall evaluation.

  1. Reporting

The findings and analyses are compiled into reports such as the World Health Report or other specialized reports on specific health topics. These reports include rankings, country profiles, case studies, and recommendations to guide policymakers and stakeholders in improving healthcare systems.

What to Look for When Choosing Countries with the Best Healthcare and Hospitals?

When choosing countries with the best healthcare and hospitals, several factors should be considered to ensure you make an informed decision.

12 key things to look for when choosing countries with the best healthcare and hospitals:

  1. Healthcare Infrastructure

Evaluate the quality and accessibility of healthcare infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities. Look for countries with well-equipped and modern healthcare infrastructure, as it can contribute to better healthcare outcomes.

  1. Healthcare Professionals

Consider the availability and expertise of healthcare professionals, such as doctors, specialists, nurses, and technicians. Look for countries with a strong healthcare workforce, adequate staffing levels, and well-trained professionals.

  1. Accessibility and Affordability

Assess the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services in a country. Look for nations that provide universal healthcare coverage or have effective health insurance systems in place. These measures ensure that healthcare services are accessible to all citizens without significant financial burdens.

  1. Healthcare Expenditure

Examine a country’s healthcare expenditure as a percentage of its GDP. Higher healthcare spending generally indicates a greater commitment to healthcare and can result in better infrastructure, technology, and overall quality of care.

  1. Health Outcomes

Consider health outcome indicators such as life expectancy, infant mortality rates, disease-specific survival rates, and overall population health. Countries with favourable health outcomes often have well-performing healthcare systems.

  1. Disease Prevention and Public Health Initiatives

Evaluate the country’s efforts in disease prevention, vaccination programs, and public health initiatives. Strong preventive measures can contribute to better overall healthcare and population health.

  1. Technology and Innovation

Look for countries that invest in medical research, technological advancements, and innovation in healthcare. Access to advanced medical technology and cutting-edge treatments can significantly impact the quality of healthcare services.

  1. Health Data and Information Systems

Assess the availability and reliability of health data and information systems. Efficient health information systems facilitate better monitoring, evaluation, and decision-making processes within the healthcare system.

  1. Patient Satisfaction

Consider patient satisfaction rates and feedback regarding healthcare services in a country. Positive patient experiences often indicate patient-centered care, effective communication, and overall quality of healthcare delivery.

  1. International Rankings and Assessments

Refer to international rankings and assessments from reputable organizations like the World Health Organization, World Bank, or other healthcare indices. These rankings can provide valuable insights into a country’s healthcare system performance.

  1. Safety and Quality Standards

Look for countries that prioritize patient safety and have robust quality standards in place. Accreditation systems, regulatory bodies, and adherence to international healthcare guidelines indicate a commitment to maintaining high standards of care.

  1. Research and Collaboration

Evaluate a country’s involvement in medical research, collaboration with international institutions, and contribution to scientific advancements. Active research and collaboration often indicate a progressive healthcare environment.

What Countries Have the Lowest Healthcare?

Some countries have low healthcare, which is characterized by low number of hospitals in relation to their population size. Other factors such as the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of healthcare services also determine the quality of healthcare system a country provides.

5 countries with the lowest healthcare:

  1. Costa Rica

Costa Rica has made significant strides in healthcare but still faces challenges in healthcare infrastructure, particularly in remote and rural areas. While the country has a relatively good healthcare system, there are disparities in access to healthcare facilities and services between urban and rural regions. Costa Rica has the lowest number of hospitals compared to its population, with only about 8.7 hospitals for every one million people.

  1. Afghanistan

Afghanistan has been significantly impacted by political instability and conflict, resulting in a strained healthcare system. Ongoing conflicts have led to the destruction of healthcare facilities and a shortage of medical professionals. Access to healthcare is limited, particularly in remote and insecure areas.

  1. Malawi

Malawi is a low-income country in Sub-Saharan Africa with limited healthcare infrastructure. The country faces challenges in providing adequate healthcare services due to a shortage of hospitals and healthcare professionals. Remote areas, in particular, have limited access to healthcare facilities.

  1. Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is a country with a rugged and geographically challenging terrain, which presents difficulties in establishing and maintaining a sufficient number of hospitals. Many remote communities lack access to basic healthcare services, and healthcare infrastructure is limited, particularly in rural areas.

  1. Yemen

Yemen has been marred by years of political instability and armed conflict, leading to a severe humanitarian crisis. The healthcare system has been significantly affected, with hospitals damaged or destroyed, healthcare professionals leaving the country, and limited availability of medical supplies. Access to healthcare is a significant challenge for the population.