1000+ Cool Last Names For Characters

Some cool last names for characters are Mintz, Ashbluff, Marblemaw, Bozzelli and Fellowes just to mention a few.

Picking interesting last names is difficult, whether you’re looking for the names for novel characters, a unique last name for fantasy, gaming usernames, or online role-play scenarios. You don’t want to pick anything that sounds false, but you also don’t want something that is very common.

How To Choose a Cool Last Name For Characters

The first step in picking a cool last name is by doing some research. We want to believe you got that taken care of since you are on this page.

Here are ways to choose a cool last name for  characters:

1. Consider the significance.

Each name has a meaning, and by selecting a name with the appropriate meaning, you may provide insight into who your character is. Do the study to find out what the last name signifies and how it relates to your characters. As you do so, you may discover a new aspect of your character’s personality.

2. Take a listen to how it sounds with the first name.

While this may appear to be a no-brainer, it is worth noting. The way the last name sounds with the first name is frequently the decisive element in how genuine the name sounds. And don’t simply read them to yourself; pronounce the name aloud a few times in a variety of contexts.

3. Count the number of syllables.

You discover the last name you adore, but how many syllables does it have? This is significant because most last names are simply a couple of syllables long. The longer it is or the more syllables it has, the more probable it is to confuse your reader.

4. Consider what “feeling” the last name evokes and whether it corresponds to your character’s identity.

Your characters are well-known to you, but your reader is meeting them for the first time. It’s just as vital to know how their name feels as it is to know what it is. Keep this in mind, as well as how you want your reader to feel about a particular character.

5. Consider its uniqueness.

You could desire a more distinctive last name depending on the character. A more tertiary character, on the other hand, may require a simpler, more common last name. Consider how recognizable the name will be to your reader and whether it will detract from your tale.

Cool Last Names for Characters

Some cool last names for your characters are:

  • Mintz
  • Ashbluff
  • Marblemaw
  • Bozzelli
  • Fellowes
  • Windward
  • Yarrow
  • Yearwood
  • Wixx
  • Humblecut
  • Dustfinger
  • Biddercombe
  • Kicklighter
  • Vespertine
  • October
  • Gannon
  • Truthbelly
  • Woodgrip
  • Gorestriker
  • Caskcut
  • Oatrut
  • Sagespark
  • Strongblossom
  • Hydrafist
  • Snakeleaf

Cool Last Names for Boys

Some cool last names for boys are:

  • Collymore
  • Stoll
  • Verlice
  • Adler
  • Huxley
  • Ledger
  • Hayes
  • Ford
  • Finnegan
  • Beckett
  • Gatlin
  • Pierce
  • Zimmerman
  • Dawson
  • Wilson
  • Adair
  • Gray
  • Curran
  • Crassus
  • Anderson
  • Adams
  • Carter
  • Hendrix
  • Lennon
  • Gasper

Cool Last Names for Girls

A last name can frequently be used as a first name and vice versa.

A surname is a name that is added to your given name and is often your family name (or last name). Don’t mix this with a nickname.

Choosing an excellent first or last name helps make your persona more intriguing and unforgettable. However, coming up with a memorable first and last name will help them stand out.

Below are some unique cool last names for your female characters:

  • Elsher
  • Solace
  • Levine
  • Thatcher
  • Raven
  • Bardot
  • James’s Day
  • Hansley
  • Cromwell
  • Ashley
  • Monroe
  • West
  • Langley
  • Daughtler
  • Madison
  • Marley
  • Ellis
  • Hope
  • Cassidy
  • Lopez
  • Jenkins
  • Poverly
  • McKenna
  • Gonzales
  • Keller

Cool Japanese Last Names

Japan is one of the world’s most culturally diverse countries. It is also a country that is mostly admired for its technical progress. In addition to their traditions, the Japanese have a great connection with nature and calm, which is reflected in their names.

Here are some prominent Japanese surnames below:

  1. Abe: This is a popular last name that is also one of the oldest. In Japan, the word ‘a’ denotes ‘peace,’ and the word ‘be’ implies ‘many times.’
  2. Abiko: This is another lovely baby name that the grandparents might recommend. In this context, ‘a’ signifies ‘calm,’ ‘bi’ means ‘grandchild,’ and ‘ko’ means ‘child.’
  3. Aoki: This lovely Japanese surname translates as ‘green tree.’ It is ideal for a newborn baby girl. In the Ryukyu Islands, this is a common surname.
  4. Agawa: This name sounds lovely, and it has a lovely connotation as well. The name derives from the phrase “the bend of a river or stream.”
  5. Ando: This is a unique Japanese surname that means’ calm wisteria.’ It’s a great name for a well-behaved child.
  6. Ageda: Rice is a favorite food among the Japanese. This habitational surname translates to ‘upper rice field,’ which is popular in the Japanese countryside.
  7. Baba: If you like soccer, you’ll recognize this Japanese surname. The last name, which is often used in west-central Japan, means ‘horse-riding trail.’
  8. Bando: This Japanese surname originated in the Osaka area and is highly widespread in eastern Japan. The name translates as “east of the slope.”
  9. Chikafuji: This is one of the unusual Japanese surnames that may be used as a baby name. The name translates as ‘by the wisteria.
  10. Chisaka:  This is a distinctive and interesting name for a tough newborn girl. This Japanese surname means ‘one thousand hills.’
  11. Daigo: This is one of the oldest Japanese names, originated from Japan’s 60th monarch. The name is a reference to the Buddhist shrine Daigo Shingon. ‘Dei’ means ‘great’ in Japanese, while ‘go’ means ‘enlightenment.’

Cool German Last Names

The meanings of German surnames are those that were determined when the names were first used as surnames. For example, the surname Meyer today denotes a dairy farmer, yet Meyer denoted stewards of landholders in the Middle Ages. The majority of German surnames are derived from either archaic professions (such as Schmidt, Müller, Weber, or Schäfer) or localities.

some cool german last names are:

  • Müller means miller
  • Schmidt means Smith
  • Schneider means Taylor
  • Fischer means fisher
  • Weber means weaver
  • Schäfer means shepherd
  • Wagner means wagoner
  • Bauer means farmer
  • Hoffmann means landed farmer.
  • Schulz means mayor
  • Koch means cook
  • Richter means judge
  • Klein means small
  • Wolf means wolf
  • Schroder means carter
  • Neumann means newcomer

Aesthetic Names

It’s natural to feel anxious while deciding on a name for your daughter. Your concern is understandable, given that her name is more than just a string of syllables and characters. Her name will be her identity for the rest of her life.

Choosing a unique name for your newborn girl is never easy. There are millions of names to pick from, and it may be difficult to choose the right name that sounds lovely and has a meaningful meaning. We’ve created a list of beautiful names for girls, along with their meanings, to assist you in selecting the most beautiful name for your baby daughter.

Here are aesthetic names to select from: 

  1. Ailee: Ailee is a lovely Scottish name that means “sight.” It is derived from the ancient Greek name Ailee, which means “light” or “bright.”
  2. Alaska: Alaska is a Native Americanname that means “large land,” and it is also a derivation of Alaxsxaq, an Aleut term that means “mainland.”
  3. Alice: This lovely girl’s name, which means “noble” and “kind,” is a combination of the Old High German and French names Adalhaidis and Alais.
  4. Angelina: Angelina is a well-liked girl’s name. This beautiful name is a diminutive of Angela, which means “angel” in Spanish, Greek, or Italian.
  5. Annabelle: This English-origin feminine name combines two Hebrew and French names, “Anna” and “belle,” which signify “grace” and “beauty,” respectively, making it a perfect option for your kid.
  6. Aquitaine: The attractive French-origin feminine name is a place-name for a French area known for its gourmet food and wines.
  7. Auberon: This feminine name of English and German origin means “noble” or “bearlike,” and it also relates to the regal bear.
  8. Autumn: This lovely girl’s name is a nature-inspired name that represents the famous crisp and bright season.
  9. Bathsheba: This lovely feminine name with Hebrew roots means “daughter of an oath.”
  10. Bea: This name is of American origin and meaning “blessed,” as well as “woman who provides delight.”

Common Last Names

What is the most prevalent last name in the United States? You guessed correctly if you said, Smith.

According to 24/7 Wall Street research, the surname Smith appears slightly more than 828 times per 100,000 persons in the United States or around 2.442 million times. Since 2000, the name’s popularity has increased by nearly 3%.

What are some additional well-known names? 24/7 Wall Street created a list of the top 50 last names in the United States using Census Bureau data. Here’s what they discovered:

  • Smith
  • Johnson
  • Williams
  • Brown
  • Jones
  • Garcia
  • Miller
  • Davis
  • Rodriguez
  • Martinez
  • Hernandez
  • Lopez
  • Gonzalez
  • Wilson
  • Anderson
  • Thomas
  • Taylor
  • Moore
  • Jackson

Black Last Names

Even today, the census categorizes races as African American, Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander.

According to the 2000 census, the following are the ten most frequent African American surnames:

  • Williams
  • Johnson
  • Smith
  • Brown
  • Jackson
  • Davis
  • Thomas
  • Harris
  • Robinson
  • Taylor

Cool last names for book characters

Cool last names for book characters

  1. Hawthorne – Derived from the Old English word “haga” (hedge) and “thorn” (thorny shrub), symbolizing strength and resilience.
  2. Sterling – Derived from the Old Norman word “esterlin,” meaning “little star,” representing brightness and distinction.
  3. Lockwood – Combining “lock” and “wood,” this name signifies protection and connection to nature.
  4. Blackwood – A combination of “black” and “wood,” representing mystery, darkness, and a connection to the woods.
  5. Everly – Derived from the Old English words “eofor” (boar) and “leah” (clearing), symbolizing bravery and a connection to the wilderness.
  6. Sinclair – Derived from the Latin words “sine” (without) and “clara” (clear), suggesting a mysterious or enigmatic nature.
  7. Foxworth – Combining “fox” and “worth,” this name signifies cunning, intelligence, and value.
  8. Vale – Derived from the Latin word “vallis” (valley), symbolizing tranquility, harmony, and a connection to nature.
  9. Nightshade – A poisonous plant associated with darkness and mystery, representing a character with an intriguing or dangerous nature.
  10. Ashford – Combining “ash” and “ford,” this name represents strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges.
  11. Strong – A name representing physical and emotional strength, resilience, and determination.
  12. Noble – Symbolizing honor, dignity, and noble lineage.
  13. Valiant – Derived from the Latin word “valere” (to be strong), indicating courage, bravery, and heroism.
  14. Swift – Signifying agility, quickness, and a dynamic nature.
  15. Stone – Representing stability, solidity, and a grounded presence.
  16. Archer – A name associated with skill in archery, suggesting precision, focus, and accuracy.
  17. Evergreen – Symbolizing everlasting youth, vitality, and resilience.
  18. Brightman – A name evoking intelligence, enlightenment, and a radiant personality.
  19. Summers – Signifying warmth, vibrancy, and a sunny disposition.
  20. Silverlake – Combining “silver” and “lake,” representing tranquility, wisdom, and a connection to nature.

Badass last names for characters

  1. Stormrider – Symbolizing a fearless individual who navigates through life’s challenges with power and resilience.
  2. Ironheart – Representing a character with an indomitable spirit, strength, and unwavering determination.
  3. Shadowbane – Signifying a person who confronts and defeats darkness, evil, or injustice.
  4. Bloodstrike – A name evoking a fierce warrior or avenger known for their deadly and precise strikes.
  5. Deathbringer – Symbolizing a formidable character who brings destruction or change, often associated with a dark past or a feared reputation.
  6. Blackthorn – Signifying a person with a sharp and dangerous edge, combining strength and resilience with a touch of darkness.
  7. Viperfang – Representing a cunning and deadly character, associated with stealth, venom, and the ability to strike swiftly.
  8. Ravencroft – A name evoking mystery, darkness, and intelligence, often associated with characters who are enigmatic or possess dark secrets.
  9. Hellfire – Symbolizing a character with an intense and fiery personality, often associated with power, passion, or even a touch of danger.
  10. Doomhammer – Signifying a character who wields great power, capable of bringing about destruction and chaos.

Cool surnames for characters

  1. Blaze – Signifying intensity, passion, or a fiery nature.
  2. Frost – Symbolizing a cool and calm demeanor, resilience, or a connection to ice and winter.
  3. Ryder – Representing a character associated with adventure, speed, or a nomadic lifestyle.
  4. Starling – A name evoking grace, elegance, or a connection to birds and flight.
  5. Wilde – Signifying a character with a wild or untamed spirit, often associated with nature or unpredictability.
  6. Storm – Symbolizing power, unpredictability, or a connection to turbulent weather.
  7. Steele – Representing strength, durability, or a resolute character.
  8. Shadow – A name evoking mystery, stealth, or a character with a dark and enigmatic nature.
  9. Phoenix – Signifying rebirth, resilience, or a character who rises from the ashes of adversity.
  10. Moonstone – Symbolizing mysticism, spirituality, or a connection to lunar energies.

Cool last names for fantasy characters

Cool last names for fantasy characters

The evocative and unique last names in the list below could easily fit any fantasy character from a hero, to a sage mentor, to a love interest, to a villain. Take a look and see what you think!

Cool Last Names for Fantasy Characters are:

AbednegoServant of Nebo (the Babylonian god of wisdom)
Cyprus (SIGH-pruhs)Fair
Dagon (DAY-gone)To be cut open
Damaris (duh-MARE-is)Calf; gentle
Einar (AY-nar)Bold warrior
Festus (fehs-tuhs)Festive; joyful
Gallio (gal-ee-oh)One who lives on milk
GriffinFierce; dangerous
Kami (KAH-mee)Lord
LightfootA messenger or nimble runner
PriestleyPriest of the wood
SierraSaw; mountain range

Unique last names for characters

  1. Barlowe
  2. Caddel
  3. Hart
  4. Katz
  5. Laurier
  6. Madden
  7. Elrod
  8. Whitlock
  9. Ashford
  10. Amos
  11. Fleet
  12. Moses
  13. Singh
  14. Remington
  15. Sharpe
  16. Beam
  17. Spade
  18. Driscoll
  19. Undergrove
  20. Finch
  21. Crawford
  22. Finch
  23. Cyprus
  24. Dagon
  25. Lightfoot
  26. Good last names for fictional characters

Clever last names

  1. Witsworth – Signifying a person known for their quick thinking and intelligence.
  2. Keenblade – A name evoking a skilled and sharp-minded individual, especially in the realm of combat or weaponry.
  3. Quickfoot – Representing a character with agility and swiftness of movement.
  4. Swiftmind – Symbolizing a person with a sharp intellect and the ability to process information rapidly.
  5. Brightwater – A name evoking a person who possesses clarity of thought and a keen sense of perception.
  6. Cleverly – Signifying a character who is known for their cleverness, resourcefulness, and knack for finding solutions.
  7. Sharpstone – Representing someone with a sharp mind and unwavering determination, likening them to a polished and resilient stone.
  8. Slyfox – A name evoking a cunning and wily individual, often associated with cleverness and a knack for outsmarting others.
  9. Quillen – Signifying a person with a sharp and quick mind, often associated with wisdom, knowledge, or literary pursuits.
  10. Cogsworth – Symbolizing a person with a mind geared towards innovation, problem-solving, and intricate mechanisms.
  11. Cunningham – A name with Scottish origins, meaning “clever or cunning hamlet,” signifying a character known for their cleverness or quick thinking.
  12. Smartwood – Representing a character who possesses intelligence and wisdom, likening them to a wise old tree rooted in knowledge.
  13. Shrewdwell – A name evoking a character who has a sharp mind for business or strategy and is adept at making clever decisions.
  14. Quickwit – Signifying a person with a naturally sharp and witty mind, often admired for their clever remarks or humorous banter.
  15. Nimbleheart – Representing someone with a quick and agile mind, as well as a compassionate and empathetic nature.
  16. Clevenger – A name associated with cleverness, resourcefulness, and a knack for finding unconventional solutions.
  17. Sharpwright – Symbolizing a character skilled in craftsmanship and ingenuity, often associated with clever designs and inventions.
  18. Astutebrook – Signifying a character with keen perception, wisdom, and a knack for recognizing details others might miss.
  19. Brightly – A name evoking a person with a bright and sharp mind, known for their intelligence and quick wit.
  20. Quickmire – Representing a character who possesses mental agility, adaptability, and the ability to think swiftly in challenging situations.

Artsy Last Names

Artsy Last Names

Crabtree – classy and sophisticated

Dalton – cool and classic

Duke – For one with a noble heritage

Fawn –sweet and innocent, yet powerful inside

Freeze –ice queen

Granger – smart, pretty, and secretly a wizard!

Gryffon – A remarkable mythical creature

Gunn –cool and sexy

Halifax – cool

Hilton –heiress

Holly – beautiful

Hope – expect

Ice – cool

Iris – A stunning flower

Ivy –cute and harmless

Joy – Happy

Kelly – fun and flirty

Knight –fighter

Lily –pretty, delicate

Love – sweet

Mayhem – for someone who causes trouble

Merry – One who is happy all the time

Noble –treated like a princess

Paris –the coolest and most sophisticated

Pendleton – A quaint and cool

Phoenix –rising from the flames

Power – Power

Quake – a sound

Raven – dark and mysterious

River – a girl who loves nature

Rose – A flower rose

Savage – tough and cool

Slade – mean and a little bit dangerous

Quirky Surnames

  1. Whimsy – A name evoking a sense of playfulness, imagination, and whimsical charm.
  2. Quirk – Symbolizing someone with eccentricity, unusual traits, and a unique perspective on life.
  3. Zany – Representing a person with a lively and eccentric personality, often associated with humor and unpredictability.
  4. Wobblebottom – A whimsical name suggesting a character who is slightly clumsy or unsteady but full of character.
  5. Flutterwings – Signifying someone with a light and airy presence, reminiscent of the delicate wings of a butterfly.
  6. Bumblefoot – A quirky name evoking a character who may be a bit awkward or clumsy but has a warm and endearing nature.
  7. Snickerdoodle – Symbolizing a person with a mischievous and playful personality, often associated with laughter and sweetness.
  8. Wigglesworth – Representing a character with a constantly moving or fidgety nature, full of energy and restlessness.
  9. Noodleman – A playful name suggesting a character who is flexible, adaptable, and perhaps a bit unconventional.
  10. Wunderkind – Signifying a person with exceptional talent or intelligence, often at a young age.
  11. Pumpernickel – A quirky name evoking a character with a quirky sense of humor or an affinity for the unconventional.
  12. Muddleberry – Symbolizing someone who often finds themselves in amusing or perplexing situations, adding a touch of chaos to their life.
  13. Whifflepuff – Representing a character with a carefree and lighthearted nature, often associated with a love for nature and whimsy.
  14. Quibblesnatch – A name evoking a character known for their penchant for arguing or engaging in playful debates.
  15. Jinglebottom – Signifying a person with a cheerful and festive personality, often associated with a love for celebrations and merriment.

Cool Last Names for Adventurers

If you’re setting out to write an action hero or adventure fiction, consider trying the following unique last names for your heroes and villains.

AmosTo carry
BeamOne who lives by a post or tree
DashFrom the ash
FleetStream; estuary
Jian (jee-uhn)Simple; uncomplicated
MosesTo draw out of water
RemingtonBoundary stream (also associated with Remington arms, the gun company)
SharpKeen; quick
Singh (seeng)Lion
StallardValiant; resolute
WestFrom the west


Cool Last Names for Characters in a Romance Story

Cool Last Names for Characters in a Romance Story

If you’re searching for the right last name for star-crossed lovers in a romance story, try out the dreamy names in our list below.

Aberra (uh-BER-uh)Light; one who shines
Agapov (a-gah-puhv)To love
Albertine (al-ber-teen)Noble and bright
CherithTo cut off; to separate
Desai (deh-sigh)Lord of the land
GodfreyGood; peace
GreathouseBig house
KnightYouth; serving lad
Lozano (loh-zah-noh)Elegant; haughty
Luz (loos)Light
PrinceRoyal son
Rossi (rah-see)Red haired


Cool Last Names for Sci-Fi Characters

Sci-fi is a big genre that features people (and creatures!) from galaxies unknown. The unique last names in the list below might fit right into plans for sci-fi characters that involve space, futuristic societies, and much more!

Alastair (al-ah-stair)The one who repels men
Aphelion (uh-FEE-lee-uhn)The point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun
Callisto (cuh-lihs-tow)Most beautiful
Chrysalis (KRIS-ah-lihs)Pupa of a butterfly or moth; a transitional state
Furi (foor-ee)Adhere the soul to the body
Gibbethon (jih-beh-thahn)Mound; lofty place
Gregorios (greg-OR-ee-ohs)To awaken; to watch
Nadir (NAY-deer)Rare
OmegaThe end
Sapphirus (saff-EYE-ruhs)Blue stone
Silvius (SIL-vee-us)Forest; wood
Umbra (UHM-bruh)The dark, central spot of a sunspot; shadow or darkness
Zibia (ZIH-bee-uh)Doe


Uncommon Last Names

Some titles are seldom heard and perhaps what makes them sound good is their uncommonness. These are unique last names that are rarely used. You can even use them for characters in your scripts.

Examples of uncommon last names are:

  • Ayala
  • Bailey
  • Bartlett
  • Bolton
  • Butler
  • Carney
  • Castellan
  • Emmens
  • Enger
  • Forbes
  • Gillian
  • Gracia
  • Grady
  • Greene
  • Holmes
  • Hudskin
  • Krul
  • Mcnairy
  • Meadows

Cool Last Names That Make You Feel Like a Character in a Film

These last names are so cool you might expect your favorite heroine or hero to sport them as they go off and save the universe. Their meanings are all different, but they all share that special coolness factor.

Here are some cool last names that make you feel like a character in a film:

Balboa – Galician origin. Means “pleasant valley.” Name of a character in the film Rocky.

Bond – English origin meaning “tied to the land.” Famously worn by movie character James Bond.

Bourne – English origin. Means “spring” or “stream.” Name of main character in The Bourne Identity.

Callahan – Gaelic origin. Means “lover of church.”Name of main character in Dirty Harry.

Corleone – Italian origin. Means “lion heart.” Made famous by the character Don Vito Corleone in the movie The Godfather.

Everdeen – Anglo-Saxton origin. Name of the heroine in Hunger Games.

Montana – Spanish origin. Means “wooded upland.” Name of character in Scarface.

O’Hara – Irish origin. Name of character in Gone With the Wind.

Stark – German or English origins. Avengers character Tony Stark wore this last name as did primary characters in the series Game of Thrones.

Starling – English origin. Name of a bird. Last name of character in The Silence of the Lambs.

Vader – Dutch origin meaning “father.” Last name of the villain in Star Wars.

Ventura – Italian origin. Means “fate.” Last name of character in Ace Ventura.

Powerful Last Names That Mean No One Will Mess With You

There is simply something special about a last name that exudes power. These strong surnames won’t make anyone feel like a wallflower, as they all have meanings based on strength and power.

Here are top powerful names:

Allard – French origin. Means “noble friend.”

Almond – Middle Eastern origins. Means “noble protector.”

Bardin – German origin. Means “battle ax.”

Barrett – German origin. Means “mighty like a bear.”

Barron – Hebrew origin. Means “young warrior.”

Brando – German origin. Means “sword” or “fiery.”

Caddel – Welsh origin. Means ” battle.”

Carnell – English origin. Means “castle defender.”

Chevalier – French origin. Means “knight.”

Curran – Irish origin. Means “hero.”

Ectorius – Latin origin. Means “defender.”

Finley – Scottish origin. Means “fair-haired hero.”

Guillaume – Norman origin. Means “protection” or “strength.”

Hassan – Arabic name. Means “strong.”

Heroux – French origin. Means “wolf army.”

Landry – German origin. Means “powerful ruler of the land.”

Merrick – Welsh origin. Means “a serving ruler.”

Nwadike – Nigerian origin. Means “son of the brave.”

Xander – Greek origin. Means “mankind’s protector.”

Valor – Latin origin. Means “bravery.”

Varon – German origin. Means “protection.”

Last Names Inspired by Creativity & Artistry

Channel your inner artist and creator with these creative last names. These special surnames will inspire anyone to go forth and create something amazing.

Here are some last names inspired by creativity and artistry:

  • Abara – West African origin. Means “spirit.”
  • Amaryllis – Greek origin. Means “new” and “fresh.”
  • Flammia – Latin origin. Means “little flame.”
  • Fulgencio – Latin origin. Means “brilliant” or “bright.”
  • Haku – Japanese origin. Means “poetic.”
  • Harper – English origin. Means “harp player.”
  • Hemingway – Inspired by one of the greatest writers of all time, Ernest Hemingway.
  • Luna – Italian and Spanish origin. Means “light.”
  • Nisim – Hebrew origin. Means “miracles.”
  • Paisley – Scottish in origin, meaning “church official.” The name of a popular textile design.
  • Piper – English origin. Means “player of the pipe.”

Funky Last Names That Feel Like a Fantasy

Futuristic, whimsical, and made for a fantasy film or novel, these last names are fresh, cool, and make you feel like you are living in a real-life fantasy.

Here are list of funky names that feel like a fantasy:

Alstone – English origin. Means “elfstone.”

Alvar – German origin. Means “army of elves.”

Alvin – English origins. Means “elf friend.”

Akashiro – Japanese origin. Means “red castle.”

Burkhardt – German origin. Means “castle” or “fortress.”

Castellanos – Greek origin. Means “castle.”

D’Angelo – Greek origin. Means “angel.”

Dōjima – Japanese origin. Means “temple” or “shrine.”

Dracos – Greek origin. Means “ogre” or “dragon.”

Galdur – Icelandic origin. Means “magic.”

McKenna – Gaelic origin. Means “born of fire.”

Nanos – Greek origin. Means “dwarf.”

Nxy – German origin. Means “sprite.”

Pari – Persian origin. Means “fairy.”

Cool Last Names Inspired by Occupations

Most countries have people who proudly wear last names that describe the jobs and occupations of the past. These cool last names don’t just sound interesting and unique, they also give a glimpse into what people related to you did long ago.

Cool last names inspired by occupations are:

  • Abarca – Spanish origin. Means “maker of leather shoes.”
  • Beck – Old Norse origin. Means “baker.”
  • Bieler – German origin. Maker of hatchets.
  • Bichler – Ashkenazi origin. Means “seller of books.”
  • Bonetti – Italian origin. Means “hatmaker.”
  • Carbo – Roman origin. Means “someone who sells coal.”
  • Cooper – English origin. Means “a person who repairs wine barrels.”
  • Fletcher – Anglo-French origin. Means “a person who makes arrows.”
  • Hasapis – Greek origin. Means “butcher.”
  • Suarez – Spanish origin. Means “a person who herds swine.”

Inspiring Last Names That Give a Nod to Nature

So many cultures from around the world use the natural world to inspire last name choices. These monikers have roots in nature, and they are all unique and fun.

Here are inspiring names that give a nod to nature:

  • Adair – Scottish origin. Means “shallow place in a river near the oak trees.”
  • Adler – German and Yiddish in origin. Means “eagle.”
  • Arley – English origin. Means “hare meadow.”
  • Barlowe – English origin. Means “one who lives on a bare hill.”
  • Beckett – English origin. Means “one who lives near a beehive.”
  • Beckham – English origin. Means “location of the small stream.”
  • Beaumont – French origin. Means “beautiful hill.”
  • Brennan – Irish origin meaning “little raven.”
  • Channing- Asian origins meaning “young wolf.”
  • Cherith – Hebrew origin. Means “winter stream.”
  • Cox – Belgian, Dutch and English origin. Means “rooster.”
  • Dagon – Arabic origin. Means “rain cloud.”
  • Laurier – French origin. Means “bay tree.”
  • Marsden – English origin. Means “swampy valley.”
  • Nishikawa – Japanese origin surname. Means “western river.”
  • Radley – English origin. Means “meadow of reeds.”
  • Ripley – English origin. Means “shouting man’s meadow.”
  • Stone – English origin. Name for someone who lived on stony ground.
  • Ursus – Latin origin. Means “bear.”
  • Vandenberg – Dutch origin. Means “of the mountain.”

Last Names So Cool They Only Need One Syllable

Sometimes a last name is so cool it only needs a single syllable to stand on its own. These special surnames are short but packed with awesomeness.

Here are last names so cool they only need one syllable:

Ash – Means “ash tree.”

Benz – German origin. Means “brave like a bear.”

Birk – Latin origin. Means “light.”

Duke – American origin. Means “leader.”

Fox – Denotes the intelligent, sly animal of the same name.

Hardy – English origin. Means “bold.”

Hyde – English origin. Means “one living on a hyde of land.”

Kade – Scottish origin. Means “of the wetlands.”

Krul – Dutch origin. Means “curly hair.”

Moss – English origin. Means “savior.”

Pierce – Welsh, Irish or English in origin. Means “of the rock.”

Rush – English origin. Means “one who lives near the rushes.”

Sloan – Irish origin. Means “the raid.”

Zade – Persian origin. Means “the son of.”

Last Names as Cool as the Stars Who Answer to Them

What could be cooler than a last name shared with one of the most famous people on the planet? These cool last names sound familiar because of the famous faces who answer to them.

Here are last names as cool as the stars who answer to them

Cruz – Spanish origin meaning “cross.” Made famous by actress Penelope Cruz.

Cyrus – Persian origin meaning “sun.” Made notable by entertainers Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus.

Dean – English origin meaning “church official.” No one was cooler than iconic heartthrob James Dean.

Dylan – Welsh origin meaning “son of the sea.” Made famous by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and American singer Bob Dylan.

Franco – French origin meaning “Frenchman.” Made notable by actor James Franco.

Harlow – Inspired by actress Jean Harlow.

Hendrix – Dutch/German origin meaning “estate keeper.” Rocked by musical genius Jimi Hendrix.

Jagger – Made famous by musical legend Mick Jagger.

Jolie- French origin meaning “beauty.” Made famous by actress Angelina Jolie.

Lennon – Made famous by Beatles great, John Lennon.

Lennox – Scottish origin meaning “elm grove.” Made famous by boxing great Lennox Claudius Lewis and singer Annie Lennox.

Monroe – Worn by the late and ever stunning actress Marilyn Monroe.

Nash – Last name of basketball professional Steve Nash.

Presley – Last name of entertainment legend Elvis Presley.

Cool Last Names of Spanish Origin

Montana: “Wooded upland.” Also featured in the 1983 hit Scarface.

Abarca: “Maker of leather shoes.”

Huerta: “Garden.”

Suarez: “Someone who herds swine.”

Cruz: “Cross.” Also made famous by actor Penélope Cruz.

Gonzalez: “Son of Gonzolo” or “noble warrior”

Maldonado: “Ill-favored.”

Valiente: “Brave.”

Villareal: “Royal village.”

Oleastro: “Wild olive.”

Colmenarejo: “Creativity.”

Treviño: “‘Person who lives on, or close to, the boundary of two farms or villages.”

Lozano: “Splendid.”

Marín: “Sailor.”

Sierra: “Saw.”

Alegria: “Happiness.”

Common Surnames of Greek Origin

Chrysalis: “Butterfly.”

Damaris: “Calf.”

Cyprus: “Fairness.”

Castellanos: “Castle.”

Omega: “The end.”

Cirillo: “Lord.”

Andino: “Mainly and brave.”

Aetos: “Eagle.”

Bakirtzis: “Coppersmith.”

Diakos: “Deacon.”

Fotos: “Light.”

Intriguing Last Names of English Origin

Tuffin: “To appear.”

Channing: “Young wolf.”

Ashley/Ashleigh: “Ash tree.”

Dumbledore: “Bumblebee.” Also made famous by the Harry Potter series.

Barlowe: “One who lives on a bare hill.”

Lennon: “Lover.” Also made popular by the musical artist John Lennon.

Smith: An occupational name derived from the Old English word smith, or “metal-worker.”

Payne: “Countryman.”

Owen: “Well-born.”

Holmes: “Island.”

Corbyn: “Raven.”

Burton: “Fort settlement.”

Chapman: “Merchant.”

Unique Last Names of German Origin

Bierhals: “Beer-throat.”

Leichenberg: “Pile of corpses.”

Durchdenwald: “Through the forest.”

Handschuh: “Glove.”

Schoonmaker: “Cleaner.”

Nachtnebel: “Night fog.”

Eierkuchen: Refers to a filled pastry or German pancake.

Vormelker: “Pre-milker.”

Kitzler: “Tickler.”

op de Weeg: “On the road.”

Trinkenschuh: “Drink-shoe.”

Powerful Last Names of Italian Origin

Luna: “Moon.”

D’Angelo: “Messenger.”

Segreto: “Confident.”

Vero: “True.”

Satorre: “Tailor.”

Zappa: “Laborer.”

Sanna: “Lily.”

Bellagamba: “Beautiful leg.”

Conti: “Companion.”

Giordano: “One who descends.”

Pesci: “Fisherman.”

Last Names of Scottish Origin

Lennox: “Elm grove.”

McDonald: “Ruler of the world.”

Wallace: “Foreigner.”

MacNicol: “Son of the conquering people.”

Ritchie: “Brave ruler.”

Abernathy: “Mouth of the river Nathy.”

Balfour: “Village pasture.”

Shaw: “Wolf.”

Watt: “Ruler of the army.”

MacCrimmon: “Guardian.”

Toohey: “Descendant of the chief.”

Uncommon Last Names of Welsh Origin

Baughan: “Little.”

Beddoe: “Sea lord.”

Edris: “Lord.”

Hanmer: “Pond.”

Gethin: “Ugly.”

Nest: “Holy.”

Cadogan: “Glory in battle.”

Craddock: “Love.”

Hier: “Tall.”

Prothero: Refers to someone with reddish brown hair or complexion.

Gwalchmai: “Hawk.”

Unusual Last Names of Japanese Origin

portrait of a maiko geisha woman

Shutterstock / Juri Pozzi

Watanabe: “To cross over a river.”

Nishikawa: Refers to the “western river” located in the Ryukyu Islands of western Japan

Yamamoto: “One who lives at the foot of the mountains.”

Aoki: “Green tree.”

Mochizuki: “Full moon.”

Akiyama: “Autumn mountain.”

Fukumoto: “Blessed.”

Oba: “Large garden.”

Hirano: “Peaceful wilderness.”

Himura: “Scarlett village.”

Tachibana: “Tangerine.”

Amazing Last Names of Hebrew Origin

Aarons: “Shining light.”

Camhi: “Wheat.”

Abeles: “Noble one.”

Dagon: “Coin.”

Harari: “Mountaineer.”

Kalman: “Lovely.”

Isaac: “Laughter.”

Abate: “Decedent from a high priest.”

Canaan: “The promised land.”

Chodosh: “New.”

Lachman: “Consoler.”

Beautiful Last Names of Latin Origin

Amador: “Lover of God.”

Aquino: Water.”

Domingo: “Of the Lord.”

Esperanza: “To hope.”

Lovato: “Like a wolf.”

Felix: “Lucky.”

Sanche: “Saintly.”

Urbano: “City dweller.”

Salvador: “Savior.”

Vidales: “Life.”

Bermudez: “Protection.”

Cardoso: “Thorny.”

Fancy Surnames of Arabic Origin

Aziz: “Strong, powerful.”

Idrissi: “Studious.”

Anouar: “Light.”

Habib: “Beloved.”

Jazairi: “Independence.”

Hussain: “Beautiful; handsome.”

Malik: “King.”

Naciri: “Helper.”

Mukhtar: “Chosen.”

Irfan: “Knowledge.”

Jalal: “Glory.”

Cool Last Names of Dutch Origin

Visser: “Fisherman.”

de Boer: “Farmer.”

Bakker: “Baker.”

Schrijnemakers: “Container.”

Kikkert: “Frog.”

TerAvest: “At the edge.”

Houtkooper: “Wood merchant.”

Heer: “Hero.”

Verhoeven: “Farm.”

Van Aggteren: “From behind”

Slootmaekers: “Lock; locksmith.”

Alderliesten: “Dearest.”

Interesting Last Names of Norman Origin

Kemp: “Champion.”

Tilly: “Branch.”

Tuffin: “For God to appear.”

Boone: “Blessing.”

Gilbert: “Bright.”

Humphries: “Peace.”

Beaumont: “Beautiful hill.”

Davis: “Son of David.”

Richest Last Names in the World

The fictional world is rife with symbolism. If you’re looking to represent a very wealthy character, you can always draw some inspiration from the real-life moguls listed below. Of course, there are legal considerations to keep in mind. We suggest sticking to variations in place of specific names.

Here are the richest last names in the world:

Walton: The Walton family is worth an estimated $224.5 billion, making them the wealthiest family in America. Their wealth is generated from the family’s massive stake in Walmart.

Mars: While the Mars family is responsible for coming out with the famous Mars Chocolate Bar, the company is probably best known for producing M&M’s. In total, the family is worth about $160 billion.

Koch: The Koch brothers made their fortune through the oil industry, though they’re also well known for their conservative lobbying efforts. Today, the duo is worth an estimated $128 billion.

Al Saud: The Saudi Royal family has maintained their monarchy for almost a century. They have also enjoyed significant gains from the oil business. Today, they are worth around $105 billion.

Hermès: You may recognize this name for its signature fashions and luxury goods. The family, who helped introduce the infamous Birkin bag to the world, is now worth around 94.6 billion.